did you know?
Lead based paint was banned in 1977 from residential use
Symptoms of Lead Poisoning are easily misinterpreted by medical personnel
One gram of lead-based paint can contaminate a large area!
Any contractor performing repairs, renovation or painting on any pre-1978 home of child occupied facility must assign a certified renovator to that project who has successfully completed an EPA certified RRP training. In addition, the company must also be certified by EPA as an RRP certified Renovator. In order for the company to become certified by EPA they must submit an application directly to EPA online http://www.epa.gov/oppt/lead/pubs/firmapp.pdf. Some States or tribes have adopted this program, therefore, if the contractor is working in the following States they must be certified by that Sate. Some States might have adopted more stringent requirements than EPA. There are presently 14 States and one tribe that are authorized by EPS to administer their own RRP program.

This course follows the EPA model accreditation program and was developed by Mr. James Rizk, a certified industrial hygienist with over 30 years of experience performing lead inspections and abatement oversight. The objective of this course is to prepare Certified Renovators to use lead-safe work practices to prevent creation of lead hazards during renovation, repair and painting work in pre-1978 housing and child occupied facilities.
Lead Renovator RRP Initial Certification
This Lead Renovator RRP Initial Certification course is an in-house course that is 8 hours in length and includes approved lead safety training and the required certification exam. This course is approved for purposes of certification under Section 402 of TSCA and/or EPA-Authorized State lead regulations for Lead-safe Renovation, Repair, and Painting (RRP) work.
In this class you will learn
Why lead-based paint is a problem during renovations
What the EPA & HUD regulations require
How to begin, set up, work, and clean in a lead-safe manner
How to dispose of waste safely
How to document your work